Now that spring has arrived (finally), that means that the end of the semester is near. Finishing classes can be very exciting, but deadlines and finals can also bring stress. It is important to take care of ourselves during these final few weeks, and here are some tips for keeping ourselves happy and healthy during the final push of the semester.
Get credit for your work!
Make sure you understand the length, formatting and content requirements of all assignments. We wouldn’t want anyone to put in their best effort, only to fall short of technical requirements. If you have questions about the specific requirements for your course, reach out to your faculty or instructors.
Communication is key!
Please don’t suffer in silence. If there is an issue that you are having, reaching out to a professor is always better than not turning in an assignment or turning it in late with no explanation. You can also contact the academic advisor team in your school/college. If you have other questions or need additional support, the Dean of Students Office at 734-764-7420 or [email protected]
Establish some healthy study habits
Try to establish the best sleep schedule that you can, remember to eat regularly and healthily, and fuel your body and plan ahead! Also, remember to leave some time for restoration and relaxation, even if that just means 10 minutes of breathing exercises or talking to a friend.
Maintain A Healthy Perspective
It is completely understandable to be nervous about exams and final assignments, but remember that this is just a small snapshot of your academic career and that success on finals does not define you. Do your best and let that be enough.
Study with a directed purpose
Pick a good study spot and maintain a schedule of studying with regular breaks. Again, keep perspective and be as realistic as possible about how much time you have to allocate to specific tasks.
If you are having difficulty during this stressful time of year, here are just some of the campus resources that may be able to help: