Navigating Conflict

As tensions may rise, it is important to navigate conversations with care and empathy, especially when your perspectives are challenged by others.


However, being open-minded about a diversity of perspectives and experiences does not mean you lose sight of your own values. How can we engage in nuanced, high-stakes conversations while taking care of ourselves and others? How can we support all members of our community?


Tips to keep in mind in a difficult conversation:

  • Disagreement is natural and okay, but negating someone’s experience can be harmful. 
  • We learn from each other through listening to understand, not to respond immediately. 
  • Distinguish between intent and impact, and care about both: Sometimes the impact of our words doesn’t align with our intentions—let’s be aware of, and take responsibility for, both.

At the Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR), there are staff that can share tips about active listening, affirming feelings, and other communication skills. For information about the other resources to navigate difficult conversations, visit the OSCR website or email at [email protected].