Securing your property during the summer

Text "Lock it or lose it" with a lock through the letter O in lock and how to contact DPSS - 734-763-1131 and

With the weather getting warmer, you may be tempted to leave doors and windows open and unlocked, to allow for ventilation. Home intruders and criminals look for these types of easy access points, as it offers the quickest access to your home and valuables. If you are leaving your house, even for a short period of time, please ensure that all doors and windows are properly closed and locked, including any upstairs windows. If you have a door or window that can’t be fully closed and locked, please report it to your landlord immediately.

Make sure you move items away from windows, and if possible, keep high-value property locked and secured when not in use. If you are planning to be away from your property for a longer period, ask a friend to check on your place on a regular basis, so that they can let you know if there are any issues/concerns.

It is also important that you leave your vehicle fully locked and secured, with windows closed. This is always important, whether you park on the street, on a driveway, or in a private parking lot.

Please remember to register your property with DPSS.