'Snow' Your Responsibilities

Snow and Ice Removal [Ann Arbor Local Laws]

Clear the sidewalks near your home in the winter. When more than one inch of snow accumulates, you have 24 hours to remove snow on the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps adjacent to your property. Immediately after ice accumulates, you must treat the sidewalk with sand or salt to prevent it from being slippery. If you fail to remove snow/ ice and the city must clear the area, you will be charged for the clearance cost plus an administrative fee of $50.


Other things to keep in mind when it comes to avoiding fines and maintaining a safe community:

  • Fire Hydrants: all fire hydrants must stay clear of snow and must remain accessible at all times. If you have a fire hydrant in front of your house, it is your responsibility to make sure that it stays snow-free and accessible. If you do not, you can expect the Ann Arbor Police Department to stop by to give you one warning before you are subject to fines.

  • Shoveling Sidewalks: help keep your neighbors safe on those frosty winter mornings, especially for those students and city residents who may have a long or daily walk to class or work. When shoveling away the snow, slush, and ice, make sure you do not shovel it into the roads! The city works hard to clear the streets so that they are safe for driving residents- and we all know that driving in Ann Arbor is difficult as it is!

  • Salting: salting after shoveling the snow is one of the best ways to keep the neighborhood safe. If you don’t have any salt, the city will provide up to 5 gallons of a free salt/sand mixture at 721 N Main St. Just bring your own shovel and bucket and you can fill up on the mixture on your own! Keep in mind that salt can negatively affect the natural vegetation and cause damage to roads and vehicles, so use it in moderation and as needed.

  • Parking: pay attention to the weather reports and be prepared to move your car into a driveway so you are not blocked in when a snowplow comes through. Be aware of winter street parking rules! Also move garbage bins, basketball hoops, and other big objects off the road to avoid any complications.


Be prepared for the upcoming winter with other tips and tricks and stay warm doing so! Happy Winter!


Contributed By: Shelby DeVuyst, Beyond the Diag Program Assistant