Getting Around Campus and Ann Arbor

Public transportation in Ann Arbor


Find the nearest Michigan Blue Bus stop to your new home by using The Magic Bus App,  which helps pick the bus that’s right for you based on location and destination. You can watch the bus on the app and keep track of how close it is to your stop. Still not sure which route to take? Michigan Transit provides details about seasonal routes and service alerts.


When traveling off campus, TheRide is easy to navigate. Visit to plan a trip and find the estimated arrival time of buses. While at, be sure to also sign up for the MyAlerts system, which will keep you up to date on detour information, schedule changes, and holiday schedules that affect your specific route(s). The best part of it all? With a valid MCard, TheRide is free! Thanks to TheRide’s partnership with The University of Michigan, all you have to do is swipe your MCard when boarding, sit back, and relax!


There is also an app called Transit which can help you track public transportation routes and travel times around Ann Arbor. It has routes for both TheRide and Michigan Blue Buses. The app is available for iPhone and Android.


Parking in Ann Arbor


Need a parking spot for the semester?  Check the parking listing on the UM Off-Campus Housing Website message boards ( Have an extra parking spot?  Available spaces can be listed on this website as well!


To have access to parking on campus, consider buying a U-M Student Parking Permit. Students can choose passes for either the orange or yellow lots. However, these parking passes are for sale only for juniors, seniors, or grad student. Downtown parking options are available but limited.  Walking and public transportation are more reliable than the availability of public parking in downtown areas. Keep in mind:


  • There are meters on most roads for $1.50/hr.

  • The parking structures downtown usually charge a flat rate in the afternoon ranging from $3-$5.

  • The Maynard and Forest parking structures are the closest to campus - they offer rates at $1.20/hr.


Have friends or family visiting?  Ask neighbors or friends if they have any spots open at their houses/apartments. Also, many streets around the city have unrestricted parking on the weekends - but make sure to read all signs to avoid getting ticketed or towed!

-Revised from September 2017