
Photograph of a hand holding a snowflake cookie.

Happy new year, Wolverines! Each new year brings exciting beginnings and MDining would like to remind you of a few important ones!


If you are looking for a job on campus, MDining is a great place to start your search! With competitive wages, consistent scheduling, and a positive work environment, MDining has the perfect opportunity for you. Visit this page to learn more about which position might fit your needs.


Even if you are living off-campus, you can still purchase a meal plan to start the year off right! Every meal plan gives access to every single dining hall on campus. There are multiple options, each plan including a different combination of meal swipes and dining dollars. Be sure to visit our website to learn more about which plan will be the best for you. 


Starting a new year and new schedule can be stressful, so don’t forget to take care of yourself. If you are in need of a pick-me-up, stop by one of the campus cafes and try one of our new coconut lime muffin and neapolitan latte.