
Photograph of a person's hand holding a cell phone with the MDining survey on the screen.

November has arrived, which means the semester is flying by! This month, MDining wants to remind you of a few practical things to make your life as stress-free as possible. 


First, check out our new mobile ordering app, which is perfect if you want to skip the line at any of the Blue Cafés around campus. You can download the app here, and don’t forget to use code WELCOME for $3 off your first order!


MDining is hiring! Each and every MDining role includes flexible scheduling, opportunities for growth, free food, and great pay. Check out our website to learn about which of the available positions might work best for you.  


If you have a meal plan, you are eligible to utilize MDining To Go – a system that allows students to carry out an entree from any station in any of the dining halls. Just let the greeter at the front of the hall know that you would like a To Go box, and you will receive a ticket to turn in at the station of your choosing. When you are finished with your meal, you can return the container to any dining hall. To Go boxes should be returned within 48 hours but we know schedules get hectic. Be sure to return them before the semester ends to avoid a $10 fee and limit bacteria growth in the containers before the MDining team can clean them. 

Finally, we're here to make your dining experience the best it can be, but we need your help to make that happen. Take a quick survey to tell us what you love and what you'd like to see improved. Your insights shape everything we do, so don’t miss this chance to make a real impact! Share your thoughts and be part of the change!