End of Semester

5 Stress Management Tips for the End-of-Year

We are approaching the end of the semester, which means an end to all of the hard work and hopefully an opportunity for many students to get a little rest and relaxation over the spring and summer. We also know that the next few weeks can be a time of increased stress, as students prepare for assignment deadlines and final exams.


Self-care can look different to everyone. The important thing is to make sure you’re building in time for it. Whether you find it in the form of peace and quiet, time with friends, exercise and physical activity, or something else, remember to include it in your schedule. It’s easy to push it down the list of priorities especially during times of added stress, but research tells us that these periods are when self-care can be most valuable. Take a look at some simple steps that you can take when planning your self care routine.


Prioritize sleep

Don't underestimate the power of a good night's rest. Aim for 7-9 hours per night to ensure your brain is well-rested and at peak performance. Wolverine Wellness has sleep kits that include sleep masks, earplugs, tea, and tips to help you get the best rest possible! 

Stay active

Even a short walk outside or a quick workout at Rec Sports can help reduce stress and increase energy levels. Movement is medicine – no matter how much you can fit in!


Eat well

Maintain a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and complex carbs to fuel your brain and body. While it’s tempting to use caffeine and sugar for energy, do so in moderation because they can contribute to energy crashes and increased anxiety. Some resources on campus to help guide your nutrition journey include the School of Public Health Nutrition Counseling Center, the UHS Nutrition Clinic, and Eating and Body Image Services at CAPS.


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Keep a water bottle handy and drink regularly. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased cognitive function.


Mindfulness and relaxation. To manage stress and stay grounded, utilize deep-breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. Our wellness coaches can also walk you through other grounding techniques when you schedule an appointment with us! 


Take a look at Wolverine Wellness’s Wellbeing Toolkit for more information on the 8 dimensions of wellbeing, and suggestions on what you can do to take care of yourself.


Additionally, there are several events and activities taking place around the end of classes and final exams, to help you finish out the semester successfully. Take a look at the Happening@Michigan events calendar for more information about upcoming activities!