Revised vaccination policy

In preparation for the return to campus and classes this Fall for many students, the university has reviewed and updated its vaccination policy, in line with the most recent clinical guidance and FDA recommendations. Here is a summary of the key revisions to the policy. If you have questions or would like more detailed information regarding the vaccination policy, please take a look at this information on the university’s health response website.


  • Bivalent COVID-19 vaccine dose is no longer required, due to shifting variants and recent FDA recommendations to develop a new COVID-19 vaccine formula that more closely targets circulating strains. This formula is expected to be released in the fall
  • Submission of vaccination status for COVID-19 in addition to other routine immunizations (MMR, MenA, Polio, Tdap, Varicella) is still required for students living in Michigan HousingPublic health experts and university officials continue to closely monitor COVID-19 and other illnesses and to adjust the university’s response as conditions evolve