Make sure your home is secure

DPSS app QR code

With the start of school right around the corner, many people are starting to move into their off-campus housing. This can be a fun and exciting time, but it is important to know how to secure your living space so that you and your valuables are protected. Here are some tips for creating a secure environment in your home:


  1. Always lock your doors and windows, even when leaving for a short period of time
  2. Do not open doors for people who you do not know, and avoid propping open doors
  3. Make sure you have functioning fire and carbon monoxide alarms in the property 
  4. Keep valuable items out of the line of sight from the street 
  5. Buy renter’s insurance!
  6. Make sure there is exterior lighting that is working properly on your property.

It is also a good idea to stay connected to safety resources like the new Public Safety app that DPSS is launching this fall! It can be found here. Until the new version is  released, the old version of the app can be accessed using the QR code shown with this story. With the app, you can contact DPSS via phone or email, review after hours transportation options, receive the emergency alerts as well as crime alerts and view crime statistics. Please note that when the new app launches, you will need to delete the old app and replace it with the new app. You will receive prompts to do this when the app is launched.