Before You Leave Checklist!

We all know the feeling… walking out of that last final and all you can think about is a hearty home cooked meal and finally getting to hangout with your dog again. That feeling can be so overwhelming that you probably feel like sprinting home straight from the CHEM Building with nothing but two #2 pencils! However, there are a few important steps to prepare your campus home for a few weeks of vacancy.

  1. Get Burglar Proof! Take some precautionary steps like:

    1. Register your personal items through DPSS

    2. Fill out a Personal Property Inventory Card

    3. Take your valuable possessions with you even if you don’t plan on using them, or place them in a hidden secure place in your apartment.

    4. Double check that all doors AND windows are locked.

    5. If you have a friend that lives close to you, ask them to stop by periodically and collect your mail so that it doesn’t look like no one is living there.

  2. Unplug all cords and electronics throughout the house to protect against fires, electrical issues, and “vampire power” sucking unnecessary energy all throughout break.

  3. Turn your heat down to about 50-55 degrees, NOT OFF, to lower your energy bill, while also ensuring that any pipes don’t freeze.


Trust me when I say that waiting just a little bit longer to pet your dog is completely worth coming back to an un-robbed and un-damaged house or apartment. Nobody wants to start their semester off with a call to DPSS reporting missing items. Just in case though: (734) 763-1131


P.S  While not endangering the safety of you or your belongings, cleaning out the fridge before you leave isn’t a bad idea either… That leftover Blimpy Burger that you lost in there a week ago will not be pretty in 2016.


Contributed By: Olivia Soja


For other tips, check out Unplug, Lock Up, Head Out!