Staying Healthy and Hearty This Winter

Now that school is back in session, there are time constraints and other obstacles we face as students, to maintain mental and physical wellness. Below we have some tips to keep you happy and healthy in 2015:

  • Exercise and eat healthy foods regularly: This should be a no-brainer, but with the stress of schoolwork, there can be uncertainty as to whether or not you have time to do so. Try to aim for foods that boost your immune system, such as spinach. As for exercise? Try to set aside an hour every other day – whether it is walking or lifting weights, exercise can make you feel better – both physically and mentally.


  • Wash your hands often: Hand washing should last for at least 20 seconds under running water.


  • Dress warmly: Wearing multiple layers is a great way to keep warm and make it easy to adjust to changing temperatures.


  • If you become sick your health is the priority: email your professor or boss and call in sick. You won't just be helping yourself, you'll be preventing the spread of illnesses in your classroom or workplace.


  • Travel safely: With snow, sleet, and ice on the ground, braking and preventing skidding are harder than ever. Make sure to watch out for pedestrians trying to cross roads; not everyone uses crosswalks! And as always, don't text, call, or drink and drive. On the flip side, if you are a pedestrian, look both ways before crossing the street! The distance it takes for cars to brake increases dramatically with winter road conditions!


  • Mental wellness is equally as important as physical wellness: Catch up with friends and relax once in a while (try to set aside some time each day). Don't be afraid to contact CAPS, or join the Wolverine Support Network, along with any of the other mental health services offered on campus to increase your resiliency!


You can find more information on how to stay healthy at:


Contributed by Paul Ligeti