Report a problem in your neighborhood with A2 Fix It

Report a problem in your neighborhood with the A2 Fix It app!

You can download the A2 Fix It app or report community concerns online. Contribute to your neighborhood by reporting the following types of concerns: 

  • Street light outages
  • Traffic signal/sign problems
  • Potholes​
  • Missed cart pickups​
  • Snow/ice on roads or​ sidewalks
  • Graffiti on public property
  • ​​Dead or dying street trees

It is helpful to include a photo and be as detailed as possible in your report. Ann Arbor staff members respond to A2 Fix It requests during regular business hours. Once you have reported an issue, you will receive an email  acknowledging the request. You can continue to check the status online. Once work is complete or the issue has been addressed, you will be notified by email.

For life threatening emergencies, crimes, or threats, please call 9-1-1. 

Visit the A2 Fix It website for more information.