Plan Ahead! Spend Summer Abroad

Although winter semester is just getting under way, it’s time to start making plans for summer break, in order to take full advantage of both the warm weather and four months free of books and classwork. I have found no better way to spend this time than to study abroad. Not only can you gain language skills, you can also get work or internship opportunities, meet great people, and   experience another culture separate from your own. More than a couple of great lines on a résumé, study abroad experiences allow you to meet a network of students with similar interests as yours, and to gain insight into a region that you can only learn by being there.

Resources are available all around campus. Check out the International Institute where you can find helpful links as well as grant opportunities for summer travel funding. The International Center also has lists of study abroad programs and tips for traveling. As a side note, never be afraid to ask faculty for opportunities; language professors are always looking for eager and interested students to study their region. Don’t be afraid to think outside of your intended field of study; every country has opportunities to work in a multitude of fields, and you may discover a location that fits your needs that you’d never thought of before. Gook luck and safe traveling.


Ana’s Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Trip Abroad:

•Consider going alone: groups of American students create groups of American speakers and can result in underdeveloped language skills and less contact with locals

•Never sit in your apartment: go to concerts, soccer games, beauty pageants, or just walk around the city center, there’s always things to do
•Don’t be afraid to stay in one city for a long period of time; traveling constantly can result in major fatigue and can wear down on your body
•Meet people: meet students at the local university, go to an English speaking club, get coffee with your coworkers, take walks around the park during work breaks, and meet with other Americans in the area
•Stay informed: the more you know about the city you’re living in, the more opportunities you’ll have! Get in touch with local organizations and workers in your field- learn about what work is being done and where you can contribute.


Contributed by Anastasia Tkach