University Housing
"On campus" housing includes Residence Halls and apartments which are owned and operated by the University of Michigan Housing Department.
Off-Campus Housing
"Off-campus" housing is owned and operated separately from the University of Michigan. Sometimes, off-campus homes and apartments are so close to campus that they feel like they are "on-campus." Beyond the Diag has a great resource for searching for off-campus housing listings near campus.
Individually owned properties. May be managed by the owner or by a management company. Could be a local or regional company.
Large apartment buildings often owned and operated by a corporate company.
Co-ops are organizations and businesses that are owned and operated collectively, for the mutual benefit of their members. The Intercooperative Council makes off-campus living easy. You still get many of the on-campus benefits (internet and other utilities, free events, opportunities to meet people), but have all the comforts of living off-campus (more space, more autonomy, fewer crowds).
- Along with a lifelong membership, some fraternities and sororities offer off-campus housing opportunities as part of their membership experience.
- These homes are often owned by local or inter/national alumni organizations. Many, but not all, of the housed organizations in Ann Arbor are affiliated with one of the councils associated with the Fraternity and Sorority Life office. If you are considering going through January recruitment, you may want to wait until that process has concluded before signing a lease, as many organizations have requirements that members live-in the chapter facility the year after they join.
- For chapters that do not have a facility, sometimes members choose to live together in an apartment or home.