Your Friendly Neighborhood... Rugby Player!

Meet Meg M.- an Actuarial Math Major & Business Minor LSA junior who lives in the Elbel Neighborhood!

How did you start playing rugby?

  • I came to campus and I was looking to play club soccer but I was intimidated.  I’m not from Michigan and didn’t know anyone here.  I needed time to settle in.  I went to Escapade and Festifall and the girls from the rugby team talked to me at both.  I started going to practice, and I ended up falling in love with the sport.  That’s where it all began.

What’s your favorite thing about living in this neighborhood?

  • I like how it’s not quite on campus, but it’s pretty central.  You’ve got Elbel Field, you used to have the IM building (which will reopen in Fall'16!), and now there’s the coliseum.  I work pretty close (at Oosterbaan).  A lot of friends live nearby, which is convenient.  It’s nice to not be right on campus every moment of every day.

What’s something you’ve learned this year?

  • I think something I’ve been learning this year is intentionality and making sure what I do with my time is worth it.  Making sure the choices I’m making are contributing to what I want out of life and the kind of person I want to be.  I’ve been thinking about how my actions affect more than just their direct impact—considering more of the big picture, rather than just what’s right in front of me.

Stay tuned for next month's neighbrohood highlight!

Contributed By: Marissa Nazareno