Prepare for Traveling this Summer

Taking the leap and going on an adventure this summer? Whether you’re headed on a short road trip or an adventure thousands of miles away, check out these tips to stay safe and prepared before you hit the road!


Tips for International Travel:

  • Make sure you have an updated passport or visa. United States citizens can enter almost any country with simply a passport, but some do require visas (a travel document issued by your home country for travel purposes) for entry. Check out the U.S Passports and International Travel website if you are unsure of the travel documents you may need. If you are not a U.S. citizen, visit your home country’s government website that manages travel to find more information about your passport and necessary visas.

  • Check travel warnings and advisories. You can also learn about precautions and information via the U.S. Department of State’s travel advisories.This information is released to ensure U.S. citizens take precaution when traveling abroad.

  • Ensure you have proper medical care. Check out the Center for Disease Control’s destination information to look up what vaccinations or medicines you should procure before traveling to another country. Make sure you fill on your prescriptions and pack any medical devices that you need. Be aware of any medication restrictions in the country you are traveling to and plan accordingly. You can also register your travel with the University through M Compass. This travel registry allows you to benefit from the University’s travel abroad health insurance and receive alerts and news from the University.

  • Stock your wallet. If you need foreign currency, visit a branch of your bank before you travel. Most banks offer currency exchanges to their customers, but you may need to order the currency if it is not in-stock. Banks typically have the lowest exchange rates compared to other currency exchange options. If you need more money after you arrive at your destination, some banks have international branches, partner institutions, and/or ATM networks. Credit and debit cards also offer currency conversion upon purchase with an included foreign transaction fee. Check with your bank to learn more about their international policies.


General Travel Tips:

  • Keep your wits about you. Make sure to pay attention to your surroundings, and if you see something, say something.

  • Pack appropriately. Pack clothing for the climate you are traveling to and be prepared for changing weather. Be sure to bring extra essential items like prescriptions, glasses, etc. and keep them in your purse or backpack just in case. Leave out non-essential valuables and electronics as these items can easily be lost or stolen.

  • Do your research. Create an itinerary for your trip and plan out what you hope to do and see. Rank your favorite spots and be sure to leave time for the most important stops on your list. If you’re traveling to a place for the first time, you can you look up what other visitors recommend and also ask locals about their favorite spots once you get there.


If you are proactive about safety and preparedness, you will be sure to have a great trip this summer. Have a great time soaking in whatever adventure awaits you, and remember wherever you go, GO BLUE!


Contributed by Austin McCall, Neighborhood Ambassador-Elbel