New Year, New You!

New Year’s resolutions always sound like a great idea on January 1st, but they can be incredibly hard to keep. Most New Year’s resolutions fail because they are too lofty, unspecific, or simply not the right goal. This year, learn how to make a concrete plan and stick to it.

First step, find the resolution that’s right for you.

  • Be Specific: Think about what you want to resolve and why you want to resolve it. Set a detailed goal. If you’re looking to exercise more, decide exactly what your routine be. If you want to be smarter about money, come up with a precise plan to implement spending cuts. Having a concrete plan will help your goal seem more attainable.

  • Be Practical: Create a goal that is achievable. If you try to reach too far too fast, you can become easily frustrated. Your goal for the new year shouldn’t be something that consumes your whole life. Instead, think of a plan that can fit into your current routine and have a positive impact on your daily life.

  • Stay Relevant: Make sure you are setting this new goal for the right reasons. Don’t set a resolution based on a fleeting passion, but think carefully about what is better for you in the long term. Short-lived trends or your friend’s latest fad do not make for great resolutions. In order to make a permanent change, you have to really want things to be different.

Next, make a plan and set it in motion.

  • Consider how you will implement your resolution in your daily routine. How will this affect your everyday habits?

  • Track your progress. Keep a journal or note on your phone to record your achievements. This will help you recognize that you are moving forward and continue to push you towards your goal.

  • Work towards a reward. Make sure the action in your routine is something that you actually want to do. If your New Year’s resolution feels like a punishment, you are far more likely to give it up. Creating a reward in your daily routine can help your goal have a positive impact.

  • Allow yourself to start over. There are often inevitable hurdles in life that will interfere with your plan or set goal. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take the break you need to get back on track. A resolution doesn’t have to be set in stone in January. You can always start again tomorrow.


If you follow some of these tips, hopefully you will be able to keep up with your resolution this year and start working towards a healthier, happier lifestyle. For more tips about New Year’s resolutions and how to make them work, check out these articles from Business Insider and the New York Times.


Enjoy positive changes in 2018!


Contributed by Jenny Barretto, Program Assistant