Beyond the Diag’s cold and flu survival guide

The most effective way to avoid the flu during this time of year is to get a flu vaccine. University Health Service (UHS) offers a convenient way to get your vaccine today! UHS has 25 clinics on campus where you can get a flu shot for $39. Make sure that you go early because it takes 2 weeks for the immunization process to take effect. For more information on where to go and how to sign up for a flu shot, visit the UHS website. 

If you are already sick, make sure that you go to the doctor for a diagnosis. Some common flu symptoms include fever (greater than 100.4° or 38° C), headache and/or body aches, and coughing. A rapid onset of these symptoms can be a key indicator of the flu. However, it’s important to obtain a medical diagnosis to determine if you actually have the flu, so you can protect the people around you, or the common cold. The flu is transmitted through nose or mouth contact with an infected individual, so be sure to always cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. The best way to prevent others from catching your virus is to stay home until you’ve gone a full day without symptoms. Severe symptoms usually persist 3-5 days and lesser symptoms can last up to 3 weeks.

If you have already been diagnosed with the flu, not to fear! There are many ways to alleviate your symptoms and feel better in no time. For fever and pain, take medication with acetaminophen, an active ingredient that can be found in Tylenol, and ibuprofen, commonly found in Advil. Robitussin DM is optimal for a cough and Day/NyQuil can tackle multiple symptoms at a time. When choosing a medication, keep in mind that antibacterial medicines do not work against the flu, as the flu is a viral sickness. Finally, remember to contact your professors and employers if you need to miss work or classes. In the end, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and let your body recover!

Contributed by Robert Connolly, –Neighborhood Ambassador