To My Fellow Off-Campus Residents:

It’s getting to be that time of the semester. Everywhere I look, there are students fighting through due dates and midterms with every ounce of their brains, hearts, and immune systems. As the busyness of school year relentlessly continues and I begin to fantasize about all the naps to be taken over Thanksgiving, I’d just like to share some thoughts that help me keep my head up, with the hopes that they can be of help to you as well. First, know that you are more than what you do. Your identity and your worth are innate; they are not defined by grades, accomplishments, or relationships. You are not your resume, nor are you somebody else’s opinion of you.  Second, know that uncertainty is okay. 

Though we are all in the stage of life in which people constantly inquire about our passions and our future plans, we do not need to have all the answers. Your life has a purpose, even if you have not yet discovered it. Third, know that you are not alone. There is always someone out there who cares about you. There is always someone out there who is willing to listen. As bold as it might seem, all you have to do is ask. College—academically and otherwise—is challenging, but there are always people with relatable experiences who would be willing to walk with you through whatever trials life brings. Fear not, there is always hope.


A friend