Do You Ever Wish You Felt Safer?

Many UM students report they feel safer on campus than they do in the greater Ann Arbor area, this means that moving to off- campus housing can increase your sense of vulnerability. Further, recent news coverage of violence against people of color and sexual assaults on college campuses can raise fear levels even higher.  If you’ve ever wished you felt safer, here are some specific actions you can take:

Consider Your Personal Risk Profile: Our safety risks vary based   on gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, previous experiences   of victimization, level of sobriety, as well as many other factors. Some of these we can change and some we can’t. Consider taking a class on Violence Prevention in College and Beyond. Students study and practice concrete prevention skills - for individuals, relationships, communities, and the world.


Try Personal Safety Education: Learning self-defense can help raise your awareness, ease your fears, and give you concrete choices to use in an emergency whether facing a stranger, acquaintance, or intimate partner. The goal of good Personal Safety Education is to expand your options while holding perpetrators 100% responsible for violence. The Dean of Students Office assists in coordinating sign ups for IMPACT. Check their website for the next available session.


Call SAFERIDE: If you feel unsafe outdoors at night, the University of Michigan offers several free late night transportation options to students, faculty and staff. SAFERIDE will take you from campus to your home or car, up to a mile off campus. Just call 647-8000. Do expect a wait time during peak hours.


Get Active: Getting involved with community-wide movements to end violence will put you in contact with other people who share your concerns, raise campus awareness of student safety, and help make the world a safer place for everyone. Consider reaching out to SAPAC, MESA, and/or Beyond the Diag.


Contributed by Katy Mattingly, Lecturer, School of Kinesiology